Celebrating our 2025 Texas Star of Life

LifeNet is proud to honor Andy Vance as the 2025 Texas Star of Life. With eight years of dedicated service, Andy’s journey and contributions to our organization and community exemplify the very best of EMS.

Since joining LifeNet, Andy has embraced a variety of roles, each one contributing to his growth as a leader and professional. Starting as an EMT, Andy progressed to becoming and Paramedic and Field Training Officer (FTO).  Most recently, Andy stepped in the role of Operations Manager in Texarkana.  Andy’s recognition as the Texas Star of Life holds deep significance as it is an honor to be recognized by his peers. As a new Operations Manager, Andy hopes to lead by example, underscoring his commitment to setting a standard of excellence and guiding others in the EMS field.

When reflecting on why he enjoys working in EMS, Andy highlighted the meaningful impact of providing comfort during emergencies by helping those in need with a kind word or calm demeanor. Andy’s compassion and ability to bring calm to challenging situations are qualities that make them an exceptional Star of Life.

We are honored to celebrate Andy Vance as our 2025 Texas Star of Life. His dedication, leadership and compassion make a lasting impact on LifeNet and the community. Congratulations Andy!